Training - TruthWCI

Becoming a Kingdom Citizen is more than becoming a new member of this church.


Becoming a Kingdom Citizen is more than becoming a new member of this church. Membership in a church gives you a local church mindset, becoming a Kingdom Citizen is designed to teach you how to become a Kingdom Minded Citizen in the Kingdom of God and a functioning member of the local church. At TWCI we are teaching individuals their dualistic citizenship Functionality. As well as the rites, responsibility, and rewards as a Kingdom Citizen in the Kingdom of God. 

Lessons Overview

Kingdom Ambassador I

New Converts, this program is designed for new believers as you start on the road toward Christian maturity.

Kingdom Ambassador II

If you are new to Truth Worship Center International, then this is the class for you to get acclimated with TWCI.

Preparatory Academy

This program is for everyone, we all will fit in here somewhere as Kingdom Citizens - Welcome!


01. Session I (2 hours)
  • Pre-recorded introductions from Pastor and Teachers
  • Our mission. Etc. (Pastor)
  • Session expectation (Teachers) online session
  • (Salvation & Understanding the Kingdom of God).
02. Session II (2 hours)
  • Online session – (Kingdom Citizen & Dual Citizenship)
03. Session III (2 Hours)
  • Zoom Interactive Q&A (Review & Discussion)
04. Session IV (2 Hours)
  • Online class – (Kingdom Laws, Constitution, and Covenant)
05. Session V 
  •  Zoom Interactive Q&A (student and teacher)
  • Pastor (live)
  • Certificate of Naturalization as a Kingdom Citizen 


01. Session I (2 hours)
  • Pre-recorded introductions from Pastor and Teachers
  • Our mission. Etc. (Pastor)
  • Session expectation (Teachers)
  • Online session.
02. Session II (2 hours)
  • Online session
  • Zoom Interactive Q&A (student and teacher)
  • Pastor (live)
  • Certificate


Session I (2 hours) – Coming Soon

Continuing Education

GED – tutoring

Re-Entry Programs for previous offenders

Business owners to hire participants after completion of the program

Resource Center
Life skills programs 

What is Salvation ?

Salvation is the entire process by which God rescues sinful human beings from their bondage to sin, and gives them an overhaul from the inside out. Salvation is accomplished in three tenses-past, present, and future.

What does it mean to be saved?
(The three P’s of salvation)

1. We have been saved from the Penalty of sin (called justification)
2. We are being saved from the Power of sin (called sanctification)
3. We shall be saved from the Presence of sin (called glorification)
