Give - TruthWCI

Through your financial contributions, you're partnering with Truth Worship Center International in the work of changing lives locally and globally.


Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
Malachi 3:10

Thank you for your commitment and contribution to Truth Worship Center International – You can now make donations anytime, anywhere with the 2 step process detailed below.


Method 1


You may pay your title or make a direct deposit donation by using the payment method Give by simply scan.

Method 2


We are using the secure Givelify service that provides you the following benefits
a) It’s safe and secure transaction
b) You get immediate confirmation
c) You can track your donations

Method 3

Cash App

You may pay your tithe or make a direct deposit donation by using the payment method Cash App by simply inputting the

Ways to Give – Choose your preferred method

We can offer both one-time and monthly recurring giving options. Donations can be made via Visa, bank account, QRC code, Givelify, or Cash App.

Support Our Mission in Africa
Your generous contributions help us bring hope and transformation to communities across Africa. By supporting our mission, you are providing essential resources such as clean water, healthcare, education, food, and sustainable development programs. Together, we can create a brighter future and make a lasting impact on countless lives.

Outreach Initiative : Our outreach initiative is dedicated to extending love and support to the most vulnerable populations. Through this program, we provide food, clothing, medical care, and emotional support to those in need. Your donations enable us to reach further, touch more lives, and bring comfort and relief to those who need it most.


Building Fund : Our building fund is focused on creating safe and functional spaces for education, ministry, and community activities. With your help, we can provide training, conduct services, and community centers that serve as beacons of hope and progress. Contributing to our building fund is an investment in the infrastructure that supports sustainable growth and development.

General Giving : General giving allows us the flexibility to allocate funds where they are most needed. Your unrestricted donations enable us to respond swiftly to emergencies, support ongoing projects, and seize new opportunities to expand our impact. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps us fulfill our mission and bring positive change to lives locally and globally.

Thank you for your generosity and support. Together, we can make a difference.

Tithing Calculator

If you need assistance calculating your tithe amount, feel free to use this online tithing calculator – click here