Our Pastor is
Overseer Trévant Richardson received clear instructions from God while fighting Covid-19 in the hospital, to establish an Apostolic Center in South Florida. Hence the birth of Truth Worship Center International.
Pastor Richardson began his christian development at a Pentecostal church (The Rose of Sharon Church of Christ – Disciples of Christ) in Brooklyn, NY. He developed an interest and passion for church work at an early age. After completing the fundamentals of faith (through the church’s christian education department) he was trained and promoted to serve as a Junior Deacon at 14 years of age. Pastor Richardson’s gifts, tireless work ethic and faithfulness, propelled him to serve in a number of highly responsible positions in the local church; (armour bearer, teacher, minister, elder, assistant to the bishop, chief elder, director of economic development (acquisitions and renovations), board of directors, etc.) just to mention a few. Pastor Richardson was mentored by some of the greatest christian leaders in the United States, serving faithfully for over 31 years.
The aforementioned experience, coupled with a “call to ministry”, compelled him to “study” to show himself approved to accept the call and to “rightly” teach and preach the word of God. Pastor Richardson is the epitome of a “bi-vocational” leader. He is conversant in all aspects of real estate development and pastoral ministry. He is a licensed realtor with designations as well as a licensed/ ordained elder (credentialed by duly authorized officials of the Church and State). He attended Lee University and Trinity Online in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree BA in Theology. He also studied at the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (School of Urban Ministries), in Charlotte, NC in pursuit of a Master of Christian Education. In like manner, he has fulfilled all requirements to obtain a BS and MBA in Business (with a concentration in project management) at the University of Phoenix, AZ. He is currently pursuing his PhD. In spite of his extraordinary academic achievements, he proudly proclaims that his greatest accomplishment is his 3 children: Kedarah Latifah, Narah Sholame’ and Tre’vant Jamin.
The timing of his public announcement to establish a new “local expression of the body Christ” TWCI (Truth Worship Center International, Inc.), is in response to the “great paradigm shift” that is taking place in churches all across America and overseas. The challenges presented by the pandemic (COVID-19) and the economic downturn, will unfortunately force many local assemblies to close their doors, merge with other ministries or to go through a complete re-branding and relevance “overhaul”. Pastor Richardson received clear instructions from God while fighting COVID-19 in the hospital, to establish an Apostolic Center in South Florida. Pastor Richardson has assembled a team of bi-vocationals, committed to the empowerment of Kingdom Citizens. Providing leadership and inspiration to help everyone fulfill their God given purpose is at the heart of his ministry. He is focused on changing every member’s economic and spiritual capacity through “finding their voice” which will echo “on earth as it is in heaven”; speaking beyond this generation to create a future and legacy for their children’s children. TWCI is a ministry that ministers to those who minister; having a Kingdom mandate to train, equip, activate, and “send”.